Saturday, February 2, 2013


You know what? It is about damn time I get back to my blog. After India, I was in Nepal until mid-January before finally returning to the US of A. I spent Christmas day at Mt. Everest Base Camp and had an amazing time in the country. Of course there were many things to write about there, if I had a solid Internet connection and if the power would be on more than 8 hours a day.

Thus I, a national in my own nation once again. I have to say, I am both overwhelmed and experiencing culture shock, but perhaps I can leave that for next post. I have been primed and ready for a rant for a while now.

Living in Fargo, ND is going to be a blast, since most Americans you meet abroad are quite liberal by nature, I have walked straight into the lion's den of conservatism. The atheist communities are scant and relatively unorganized upon first inspection, although I look forward to getting to know them better.

Despite bitter losses in national politics, Republicans are stronger than ever here in ND, and pushing against women's rights and choices. With only ONE remaining women's health clinic in state capable of performing legal abortions, North Dakotan legislation is pushing ahead with a measure identical to those passed in Mississippi not allowing a certified physician to perform an abortion unless they have admitting privileges at a local hospital, virtually guaranteeing the shut down of the clinic.

as well as

I find it astounding that I take the opportunities while traveling around the world to speak up for women's rights in countries where they have a long way to go, when all someone has to say is: Look at your own country.

Perhaps I came back at just the right time, but there is vitriol and hatred everywhere in the country as a strong political dichotomy is getting stronger, hard line conservatives are entrenching themselves in the bubble of conservative media, the liberals are perhaps not doing their share of standing up for the ills.

Since being back in Fargo, I expected gay hate, attacks on atheists, discrimination, but so far everyone has been so amiable. The public attitudes towards immigrants, homosexuals, and atheists has significantly improved, seriously!!

Except... on the Internet. It seems where anonymity reigns, and people pay little for their words, there is a full blown attack from the christian right to speak out. I wish someone would try to defend anonymity on the Internet for me, so I can understand why it is important. Let's learn to speak out loud and proud in public about our beliefs so we also learn how to discuss them with civility.

It would seem the moment the subject comes up, that of religion, abortion, or politics, most shy away from it, knowing it might lead to conflict. In a personal setting, I wish we could encourage these conversations, understanding it is absolutely OK to disagree and not change each other's minds.

I have spent most of my time so far getting back with family, not to mention no time yet to track down old friends. I am mostly excited to meet up soon with a man named Jon Lindgren, a retired economics professor from NDSU and the Mayor of Fargo for 16 years. As head of the area Freethinker organization, and outspoken atheist and blogger (Check it out!), I am sure we can plan some wonderful things.

Keep your eyes out for more entries, now that I am back. I plan to keep up to date, although not as often as Mr. Lindgren or PZ Myers.

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