Wednesday, February 27, 2013

To define an Atheist

So here in 'Merica, it is entirely normal for people to use language without much thought as to the etymology of their vocabulary. I suppose this is to be expected in a mono-linguistic state, and I can think of many examples from places that even have the luxury of multiple tongues.

So words get thrown around, and so many of them start in people's minds as politically or ideologically charged, fixed with meaning. The problem of course is the way people learn is generally not by reading but by word of mouth, in my opinion. Their misunderstandings tend to be reinforced without public awareness, and like so many misrepresented things in the States, such as socialism, quantum, theory, or science itself, being confident about what something is, helps to allow others doubt about their sources.

SO...Lets get down to it...

All too often I hear people proclaiming I am not an atheist because I am not absolutely certain there is no god, and I am not certain. So we come to the first problem. Most atheists, but not all, tend to use doubt and skepticism to analyze things. That said, I have never met an atheist who was certain about a lack of god.

So what do we believe? I think it will help orientate people to refer to the great court systems of these United States. When you are charged with a crime, an amalgamation of people makes a decision taking note of the evidence and available information to make a conclusion: GUILTY or NOT GUILTY. Do you see how there is no mention of someone's innocence? That is because there is no way to prove or demonstrate someone's innocence, only cast doubt over their guilt.

In this same way, we use logic, rationality, and science to determine the veracity of claims made in the natural world. Thus, someone makes a claim (charged with a crime), and everyone is capable of looking at the available evidence and determining if the claim is True(guilty) or not true(not guilty).

Once again, there is not possibility to disprove a claim such as the existence of a deity, Santa Clause, the Loch Ness Monster, or Unicorns. These claims are unfalsifiable.

Back to defining atheist, and Atheist is someone who has determined(believes) that there is insufficient(or none) evidence to demonstrate the existence of a deity or god. Most atheists, such as myself, are entirely willing to be wrong about this decision, but will use the utmost rigor and standards of skepticism and critical thinking to analyze the evidence.

We can go back to Richard Dawkins very true statement that everyone is an atheist about some gods. Most don't believe in Greek gods or Chinese gods, or African gods, and most people in the world believe in a single god watching over them. So that would imply that we agree about 99.99% of all god claims, but I am simply an atheist one god more than them.

In general, I will not be certain about any belief, because I might be wrong. I consider this to the be humble statement considering the litany of stuff humanity has been wrong about in the past. Where does a position of faith stand? One of arrogant certitude.


  1. I can conclude from your point of view that you are in self doubting about your belief (Atheist). Your uncertainty brings you more and more confuse about faith. Deep inside your heart, you believe there is another power (as we, the religious holder people will call as God)powerful than you, but you just don't want to admit it, because you already set yourself as vigorous Atheist. Too proud of that and keep walk on that way.

    You said yourself you can be wrong and open to any opinions/experiences of people who believe about how God works in their life and how they need God, but in fact, you ignore people's opinion and close your self to your own individual perception about your proud knowledge as Atheist, and say others opinion is not right, not working on you and false. In fact, I always think your time to demonstrate which on true or not true about someone's believe can you use as precious time to do something else which are more productive, make you happy and give value to your life and people around you. - Just a thought -

    1. Why, hello Moroccan Rose,

      I think you are very confused, and although I appreciate the comment, I hope I may point out a few errors you have made.

      1) I am not self doubting about my belief in the way you have stated, in fact it seems you think doubt is a bad thing. On the subject of god, I am 99% sure, but not completely. I have clearly stated why we should doubt, why faith is not only completely unnecessary, but simply a test of gullibility. Bertrand Russell once said "I would never die for anything I believed in, for I might be wrong."

      To have faith in anything is admitting the intellectual laziness to not want to think about it nor care about the truth.

      2)You do not believe anything with your heart. Beliefs are formulated out of your brain. Now I am aware you are using the expression, but the very idea of such romantic nonsense is exactly how spiritual and religious leaders can get away with convincing people to not think about things.

      3) You have contradicted yourself. Previously you said I have doubt and my uncertainty makes me more confused about faith. NOW you say I set myself vigorously as an atheist. How much pride does it take to be certain about something? Time to grow up and stop believing in fairy tales.

      4) I DID NOT say I would be open to opinions/experiences of people. Opinions and experiences do not qualify as any sense of evidence. Not only that, but how would you know if I ignored people or not? Do not think because you have faith you can assume things about other people's lives as well.

      5) How dare you call me closed minded, when I am able to admit the slightest possibility I may be wrong and you sit there with absolute certainty??

      6)If you think I have anything to demonstrate, you completely misunderstand the burden of proof. Look it up.

      7)Why are you so judgmental about how I spend my time? Do you feel threatened by my writing? Perhaps debating this topic makes me happy, how would you know?

      8) In this reply, all I see is a defensive thug, full of judgement and ridicule, offering not a single intelligible thought of his/her own while suggesting someone else stops expressing his opinions. This is precisely the attitude that is so harmful for human rights, education, and development of thought. I am sure you are a good person, to which point, I conclude religion has poisoned your logic.

  2. Oh well, religion never poisoned my logic. in fact, it's giving me reason to live my life in my own way. Most of that, it gives me reason to accept people as the way they are. Sorry, I'm not a romantic and fairy tales person, as you always judge me, but yes, I do have heart and feeling to respect other people's opinion. You can look back and (if you realize) try to understand, how you block yourself with your "i'm-the-one-who-has-the-right-thinking" by seeing others faith and belief.

    You may laugh at me, upon my understanding about my belief. As I know, I read so many statement of Atheist people who mock God or religious people. Atheist people may think that as fun, laugh at others faith, but its only show to me how egoist and cold heart kind of people like that. And what so good from that attitude?

    Whether you are an Atheist or not, someone who is wandering about their own faith or not, mocking to other people belief, only create an hostile world. I have met many free thinkers friends that can respect and accept other people faith, the difference, without writing so much hate and statement addressed to religious people.

    Oh well by the way, my name is Dea.

    Thank you.
