Thursday, February 28, 2013

Creationism in Ohio Classrooms

You see, when you discuss religious people, it is as if they have stumbled upon a happy little secret. This secret they want to share. No, they insist on sharing, in fact, so often, collectively, they do not rest until not only all have heard this secret, but that we accept it as true...

And yet, I have to ask? Why doesn't this secret make them happy? Why does it seem they will not be happy until I believe it as well?

Well, as I tend to be opinionated, and not so gullible, the fervent believers try to spread their unjustified beliefs in the most effective way possible. Children. As our brain develops, we tend to be very impressionable. As the Jesuits were so fond of saying "Give me a child until he is 7, and I will give you the man"

Every month I find some despicable story about the relentless efforts to introduce creationism in the classroom of a secular american school. Today I find Ohio Supreme Court discussing the firing of a public school science teacher, who was dismissed for, among other things, handing out creationism pamphlets in class, attempts to "teach evolution from a Christian perspective", "Using a science tool to burn students' arms with the image of a cross", on so on. 

Religion has nothing to do with science, it does not belong in the classroom, so if you can not convince educated adults to believe, then don't lower the bar. Let adults decide, please, to believe as they wish, but can we please stop indoctrinating our kids?

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