OH how attitudes have changed since Bill Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act into law. A democratic president could little have imagined the current president, almost all of democratic congress, even the previous presidency, Dick Cheney, Bill O'Reilly, and so many others would voice their support for Gay Marriage.
Despite the squeaky wheel which is veering farther and farther to the right, despite the attack on women's rights here in North Dakota, the country is not more liberal than it has ever been.
Short term, conservative politics tends to impede progress, however it would seem history is reserved for the tolerant, the wise, and the compassionate. When Republican congressman Rob Portman voiced his support for Gay Marriage because of his gay son, we all saw this as the obvious. Republicans refuse to see issues until it is right in front of them.
The Supreme Court is now investigating the constitutionality of DOMA, and experts put the likelihood at 80% that the supreme court will strike it down, forbidding states to make Gay Marriage legal. Let's be honest about this guys, this is religions last attempt to spit on homosexuals, and they are making sure to get their last throat clearing in.
Give it up at simply accept your religion is the reason you are hateful.
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